“Don't tell me that worry doesn't do any good. I know better. The things I worry about don't happen.” – Anonymous
On the margins of medieval maps cartographers often wrote the Latin phrase hic sunt dragones, which means “there be dragons.” These words described the boundary where knowledge ended and speculation began. These areas were unexplored and perhaps held perilous dangers.
Another image, however, often graced these medieval maps: the image of Christ. There were dragons, but also Jesus and angels. The image of Jesus was a comforting reminder that though there may be places of peril, Christ is ultimately in control and we can follow him, assured we find our way.
Most of the time our worries are far worse than reality. The dragons we think we’re facing turn out only to be small, pitiful lizards that flee at the first sight of humans. Even when real challenges exist we remember that Jesus Christ is in control, and he cares about us and the direction of our lives. He’ll always guide us to safety if we’ll pay attention to his loving leadership.
As you face worries and fears always remember this wonderful promise: you can “cast all your anxiety on [Christ] because he cares for you” (1 Peter 3:7 NIV).