“I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it.” – Pablo Picasso
Everything you’ve ever done, you began as a novice. Think about it. When you first learned to walk, you began with a step, maybe two, if you were awesome, three. Then, what? You plopped back down on your behind. Aren’t you glad your parents didn’t say, “Well, this isn’t going to work out, she can’t walk. Let’s get her a wheel chair.” No, that’d be crazy. Or, how about when you learned the alphabet. Did you get it right the first time? No. Did it take some work and effort? Sure! Did you persevere? Yes, or you wouldn’t be reading this.
These are nearly universal experiences. I could go on and on and on with other examples. Life is about learning new things. We should never not be learning and growing.
Discipleship is like this. A disciple is someone who follows Jesus, who grows in the character and competencies of Jesus. A disciple is a follower-learner. These are verbs. They take doing: following and learning. What are you learning from Jesus? How are you growing in spiritual maturity? What are you doing that you cannot do so that you may learn how to do it? Is it regularly reading and applying God’s Word to your life? Is it growing in prayer? Is it sharing your faith with a neighbor or friend? Is it worshiping with the community of faith consistently? Is it serving and showing the love of God through your actions? What’s your growing edge? Do you have a growing edge?
A child never learns to walk without taking that first, wobbly step. In your discipleship, it’s time to get to stepping.
Photo by Gustavo Fring