“The greatest gift we have is the gift of life.” – Mike Ditka
The earliest Christians were champions of life. Exposure and infanticide were widespread practices in the ancient pagan world. Christians responded by openly condemning these practices as well as engaging in benevolent activities to save and nurture these discarded human lives. For the early Christians “pro-life” was more than a political slogan.
Several weeks ago, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned its 1973 decision, Roe v. Wade, returning to the various states the responsibility of deciding the legality of abortion. This decision has been hailed as a great victory by the pro-life movement, and it certainly is. However, somewhere around half the states will maintain legal access to abortion. So, from the pro-life point of view, the effort to protect innocent human life persists.
We celebrate life and continue to make a difference in the lives of parents and children. There will be an increasing need in the area of pre- and post-natal care, adoption, emotional, financial, and spiritual support. We want to take this opportunity to offer the love of Christ and be a blessing to struggling families and children. The Christian response to unplanned and sometimes unwanted pregnancy does not end with birth. In many ways, it’s only the beginning.
I look forward to engaging fellow Christ-followers in finding tangible ways to be a blessing to our community during these changing times.