Today is Saint Patrick’s Day. Some celebrate by wearing green and pinching those who don’t, others drink green beer (anathema to the Irish!!). A better approach is to reflect on the man for whom this day is named.
As a boy, Patrick was kidnapped and taken into slavery from Roman Britain into pagan Ireland. He eventually escaped and fled back home. He became a devoted follower of Jesus, who then, filled with love for his former oppressors, was ordained bishop and sent to Ireland where God used him to proclaim the Good News about Jesus and convert the entire island to the Christian faith.
Many legends are told about Patrick. One has him driving snakes from Ireland. Another is that he used the shamrock to teach the doctrine of the Trinity. There may be truth behind these stories. The lesson that most resonates with our world today is Patrick’s loving forgiveness.
He was unjustly oppressed, yet, as he remembered the mercy and forgiveness of the Lord in his own life, he desired to offer grace to his former captors. When God transforms you, he transforms you! The lesson from Patrick is one of growth and discipleship. His love of God compelled him to love others, even his former enemies.
So, this Saint Patrick’s Day, look to God’s loving leadership as you grow in discipleship, reflecting more and more of God’s goodness and grace to a world that needs conversion.