“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.” – John Pierpont Morgan
A man bought a new radio, took it home and placed it on the counter. He plugged it in, tuned it to WSM in Nashville (home of the Grand Ole Opry), then pulled all the knobs off! He’d already tuned in to all he ever wanted or expected to hear.
Another name for a comfort zone is a rut. You can get “rutted” in any area of life. Your marriage can be in a rut. Your job, your relationship with your kids, your physical health, your friendships, and so many parts of life can get stuck in a rut, including your spiritual life.
The good news is you don’t have to stagnate forever. You can change. God sent Jesus to offer an abundant life. You can partner with God to participate in his renewal. As you enter 2022 you might want to think and pray about what steps toward change God is calling you to make to grow into the person he’s empowering you to be.