“Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” – Jack Benny
Seventy years ago, today, a little girl baby was born to George and Lillian Welch at St. Joseph Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky. When this little girl grew to the ripe old age of seventeen, she married a young baseball player named Coleman Howlett at Epworth Methodist Church. Through the years these two were inseparable partners in parenting and ministry, always looking for ways to invest their lives in others for the sake of Christ.
For most of her children’s lives, she was a stay-at-home mom, though during that time she earned a bachelor’s degree and nearly a masters. Her full-time job was raising a family and supporting our father in ministry. It was such an amazing blessing to me, and I’m sure to my siblings, to come home after school to a mom who was there waiting for you. She was always the kind of pastor’s wife who was comfortable in her own shoes, not worrying about the sometimes unrealistic expectations of others, but lovingly serving through the local church. Her attitude and actions led to her being universally respected and loved by parishioners, fellow pastors and their families, and the communities in which we lived.
She is a warm and loving person who is the kind of person with whom others want to spend time. She is generous and caring and has a real sense of purpose about her life and the impact she wants to have on others and she has continued to find ways to invest her life in the lives of others for the sake of Christ. At College Heights UMC in Elizabethtown, she’s leading a Bible study for nearly thirty people. She’s very humble and doesn’t think she does that good of a job, but I know she does, and her church family is thankful for her sharing her gifts and talents.
Today is my mother’s 70th birthday. Happy Birthday, Linda Lorraine Welch Howlett. I hope you’re having a blessed day!
Oh my,Chris. Thank you. I am humbled.I love you, son.
Posted by: Linda Howlett | September 03, 2016 at 09:07 AM