“True personhood arises not from one’s individualistic isolation from others but from love and relationship with others, from communion.” — John Zizioulas
To be a person is to be in relationship with others. This is how our very existence is experienced, in relationship. René Descartes famously wrote, “I think, therefore I am.” However, this reflects a Western and Enlightenment bias that gave priority to the individual rather than community. A Biblical worldview is different. From the perspective of a creational way of thinking, we have to look to our Creator in order to understand our nature. When we do this we discover that at the base of our being, the most fundamental reality of our nature is found in relational personhood.
God, himself, is relational. Relationship is one of his defining attributes. God eternally exists as a communion of persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. To be created in his image means that we, too, are relational and we find our meaning and our very existence in relationship. Primary among our relationships is our relationship with God.
This is one of the main factors that contributes to why psychologists have discovered that a key to a happy and satisfying life is healthy relationships. How are your relationships? How is your relationship with God? You know, God loves you and wants the very best for you. The Father sent the Son to reveal his love to you and enable you, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to enter into a life-changing relationship with him. This is where happiness and wholeness is found.