“The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is now.” – Chinese Proverb
Regret is a painful emotion. It feels like failure. No one enjoys failure. The nagging feeling of “what could have been,” of "what if," of unrealized potential can haunt us and paralyze our future. Regret is unproductive.
The enemy uses regret to keep us from experiencing victory today. We may have messed up and missed an opportunity in the past, but that doesn't mean we have to keep making the same mistake in the present. Regret does not have to win. We actually have options. We can start fresh today and experience a bright future. We can still plant a tree.
The Good News about serving God is that he forgives and repairs and retools us for the challenges we face today. Yesterday is gone. We have the present moment to begin making choices that lead to life and wholeness, contentment and peace. Victory is possible because God is in the redemption business.
So, let go of the failures of yesterday, move beyond regret, and step into God’s future of hope, healing, forgiveness, and restoration. With God, all things are possible.