Today we visited the Seoul Girls Commercial High School. The principal of the school is the father-in-law of the senior pastor of Kwanglim Methodist Church. This is a Christian school that is more technologically advanced than any school I've either seen or heard of existing in the United States. It is a vocational high school for girls that trains them for the work force. Only about 1/3 of the graduates attend college, with the rest going straight into the workforce. However, because of the advanced training they receive, the typical graduate of this school earns the same as they typical college graduate. They were super friendly and very happy to host us. We learned to write some Korean caligraphy and how to do a deep bow. They danced and sang for us to Christian music in the chapel, then they fed us McChicken sandwiches from McDonalds.
We also visited the largest Presbyterian Church in the world, Youngnak Presbyterian Church, with about 50,000 members. We weren't there very long. Originally we were not scheduled to make a visit, however, someone in the international Beeson group asked if we could, so our hosts set up a visit.
The last thing we visited this afternoon was the Changgyeongung Palace, built at the end of the 14th century but subsequently destroyed, rebuilt, destroyed again by the Japanese. It was recently fully restored and is a huge complex where Korean kings lived and worked.
I have pictures and videos of all this, however, due to the problems with the internet, I have yet to upload them.
Hope you have a great day in worship! I will be attending worship at Kwanglim Methodist and Yoido Full Gospel Churches tomorrow. Should be a great day!